Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Unretireds

Compelling piece on another aspect of the economic downturn.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Power of Photography

David Griffin, director of photography for National Geographic, presents amazing images and an elegant narrative on the power of photography. Click here to see them.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What not to say ...

... to a photojournalist

... to a newspaper designer

These have been around for quite awhile, but they amuse me every time I reread them.

While you're on Ron Reason (design guru)'s Web site, check out this tipsheet that will make filling out the "ART:???" part of your budget and update e-mails a little easier.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Twitters, as a verb

My introduction to Twitter came a few weeks ago through a friend's Houston Chronicle blog about the local music scene. Twitter allowed her to do real-time blog posts, via instant messaging, as she wandered a popular street festival. Read

Though I must painfully admit I have never even text messaged, it's always good to know about the burgeoning arsenal of digital tools at our disposal. I spied this article on Saturday, illustrating that Twitter may not be as frivolous as it appears. Read here how student twitters his way out of an Egyptian jail.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Darfur story

Lydia Polgreen of the NYT wrote a great mix of storytelling and analysis on the Darfur conflict yesterday. Here's an excerpt:

"The deployment of the biggest peacekeeping force in modern history in one of the most remote, hostile and forbidding corners of the globe was bound to be a logistical nightmare. Darfur is landlocked, water is scarce, the roads are rutted tracks crossed by the mud and sand traps of dry riverbeds.

"But those problems pale in comparison with the diplomatic and political struggles the mission faces. "

Click here to read it.

-- David

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blog headlines

Time's in some hot water for a headline to this blog post