Thursday, July 19, 2007

Another long piece that reads quickly ... and will make you cry

This nine-part series recently wrapped up in the Winona (Wisconsin) Daily News. The reporter (and photographer) spent about a year with a woman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer — and who chose to live the rest of her life at home, out of hospitals.

One thing that really impressed me about this piece is the organization. A year's worth of notes easily could turn into a mishmosh — or wind up in a dull, slow, play-by-play regurgitation. There are fascinating details that bring the people to life, but the story moves along and mixes in facts about the woman's condition and the hospice care she receives.

1 comment:

Christina Olenchek said...

A great narrative piece that shows that you can find good writing anywhere, not just in big national papers such as the New York Times. And it did make me cry. Thanks for sharing, Kathryn.